Cold Plunge

DIY Cold Plunge: How to Set Up Your Portable Ice Bath at Home

DIY Cold Plunge: How to Set Up Your Portable Ice Bath at Home

If you are looking to take your recovery to the next level, a cold plunge might be exactly what you need. A portable ice bath, also known as a cold plunge, could be just what you need. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to set up your own portable ice bath at home.

What equipment do you need?

To create a portable ice bath, you will need a sturdy tub or container large enough to submerge your body. Additionally, you will need bags of ice or ice packs to cool the water to your desired temperature. A thermometer can help you monitor the water temperature to ensure it stays within a safe range.

How to set up your portable ice bath?

Fill your tub with cold water, leaving enough space to add the ice. Begin by adding a few bags of ice or ice packs to the water. Stir the water to help distribute the cold evenly. Use the thermometer to check the temperature and adjust as needed by adding more ice.

What are the safety tips for cold therapy?

When using a portable ice bath, it's essential to monitor the water temperature regularly to prevent it from getting too cold. Limit your time in the ice bath to avoid overexposure to the cold. Always listen to your body and exit the bath if you start to feel uncomfortable or experience any adverse effects.

Now that you have your portable ice bath set up, you can enjoy the benefits of cold therapy from the comfort of your own home.

Whether you're an athlete looking to speed up recovery or simply want to experience the multiple benefits of cold plunging, a portable ice bath is a convenient and effective option.

What if I don't want to do it myself?

IIf you don’t feel like taking on the big project of building your own portable ice bath, there are a few options available to you.

If you are new to cold therapy and just want to try it out or are looking for an affordable portable ice bath option, then The Classic Cold Plunge by Polar Immersion is the perfect option for you.

However, if you are willing to invest a little more in your portable ice bath, The Elite Recovery Cold Plunge by Polar Immersion may be a great option. In addition to providing advanced insulation technology, there is the option to add a Water Chiller to keep water even colder at all time.

Reading next

The Science Behind Cold Therapy: What Happens to Your Body?
The Science Behind Portable Ice Baths: How They Work and Why They’re Effective

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Classic Cold Plunge vs Elite Recovery


Highly portable

Portable but heavier


80 cm diameter, 70 cm height

92 cm diameter, 78 cm height


400 liters

520 liters


PVC with insulated fabric

Robust PVC with UV-protected nylon


Thermo lid, hand pump, carry bag

Thermo lid, hand pump, carry bag, water inlets/outlets